Donations may be made in the school office, online, or set-up through our Head of School.
Ways to Give to The Anthony School
- Gift to our Annual Fund - Payment in full by cash, check, or credit card (click here to donate online to our annual fund).
- Recurring Donation - A donation made on a set schedule (weekly, monthly, quarterly) either by credit card or through invoiced payments.
- Pledge - A promise to pay in installments or one sum. Click here to download a pledge form.
- Matching Gift - Many employers match employee contributions. Inquire with your Human Relations office to see if yours does or contact our Head of School for assistance.
- Securities - Long term appreciated assets can provide a charitable deduction for full market value of the security, often allowing the donor to avoid capital gains taxes.
Special Gifts
- Memorials and Gifts of Honor - gifts to memorialize or honor an individual or group
- Planned Gifts - gifts of stock, real estate, life insurance, cash, or a bequest in a will
- Endowment funds are separate from The Anthony Campaign.
- The Anthony School Endowment Fund is small when compared to other independent school endowments. This money is to be saved for the future financial stability of the school. Use of the fund is prescribed by Board policy.