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2nd Grade Library

Studies show that reading with parents, seeing parents read as well as reading independently are all vital to a child’s educational career.   Children love to share things about their school day, take the time to ask not only about what they learned but about books their teacher read to them or books they chose to read or look at independently.  In addition ask them about the books they bring home from the library and if they want to read together. Assure them they can get a new book on any day, not just their class check out day.


Students in 2nd grade continue to check out books and return them independently.  More and more of the students are reading chapter books, for any student who wants to challenge themselves with a longer chapter book, they are welcome to check out a shorter beloved picture book.  The more words the students are exposed to, and the more frequently, the better.

The students discuss fact and opinion more in depth, study the Caldecott award books, as well as beginning research skills.

The use of expressions and idioms is one of the most fun and most confusing part of the english language.  2nd grade is a great time to learn these time tested phrases.  The students enjoy learning about what they sound like versus what they actually mean!